ECCOS is based on the principles of constructivism for the development of an active involvement of students and their individual process of learning, as well as the perception of their role in the community.
Guided by the new context of education for the 21st century, ECCOS consider the bilingual approach an essential aspect of the curriculum, engaging students in this learning process from kindergarten until the end of middle school, and the education for global citizenship.
In this perspective, the teacher is a manager of the learning process, which takes into account the exploration of abilities and the potential of each student. Teachers do so by providing activities that promote good questions, collaborative posture and reflection on one’s own learning process. In its core, our actions are centered on producing knowledge through interaction with the world, around your pears and through experience.
ECCOS’ bilingual approach promotes the development of students capable of exploring the possibilities in a globalized world. Our program urges the development of communicative proficiency within the parameters of the four linguistic abilities — listen, speak, read and write — through the bias of literature and day-to-day themes according to the CEFR – Common European Framework Reference.
About us
Global citizenship
Permanent school projects
Teacher’s development program