ECCOS develops its “Education for Global Citizenship” path according to UNESCO’ Associated Schools Program (ASP-UNESCO). They main expectations are as follows:
- Multicultural learning;
- Cultivating a peace engendering culture;
- Disseminating the sustainability mindset. Introducing responsible consumption and disposal.
This program of “Education for Global Citizenship” is developed by active means trough:
- International partnerships: Projects and activities devised alongside partner schools from other countries, such projects are envisioned to have thematic relevance to both institutions;
- Local community projects: Experiences of engagement and communitarian transformation centered on the school itself, its immediate surroundings and even other regions of the city;
- Interdisciplinary academic projects: Transversal topics that are inherent to the global status quo are subject to projects that integrate areas of knowledge.
Programs in tandem with institutions dedicated to the development of children, such as:
Since 2015, ECCOS has participated in the Nikkei Communities Volunteer Program, developed by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), welcoming to our community, for a period of 2 years, a primary school teacher, native to Japan. In this partnership, the volunteer teacher shares art, culture, language and habits from their countries, as well as live experiences that are particular to the Brazilian culture, so peculiar and different from the ones in their homeland.
Connecting Classrooms
ECCOS also partakes, since 2013, in the Connecting Classrooms program by the British Council. Through this program, partnerships with multiple British schools has been established, with common interest projects taking off.
About us
Educational approach
Permanent school projects
Teacher’s development program